Author Archives: admin

New article published in Transdigital journal (in Spanish)

Logo TransdigitalTwo weeks ago, the article “Challenges of new and pervasive technologies for moral and citizenship education”, authored by Maria Rosa Buxarrais and Levy Farías, was published in the journal Transdigital.

The growing gap between the fast development of new, convergent and pervasive technologies (genomics, robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnologies, augmented reality, etc.) and the slow legislative processes that should regulate them may be addressed through “soft” or ethical regulations, in which moral principles play a fundamental role. This seems to imply the need of widespread and dynamic efforts in moral and citizen education, but some recent trends in moral psychology have questioned the value of moral principles, moral reasoning and moral education altogether. Meanwhile biotechnological moral enhancement (gene editing, moral molecules, brain implants) is drawing increasing attention. After presenting a schematic overview of the contemporary psychology of moral education, we reaffirm the importance of principled based moral reasoning, and of a democratic moral education able to deal with the highly controversial
nature of emergent technologies.

The article is freely available to download in the Article Section.

New article published in Citizenship Teaching & Learning

Logo revistaThe article “Controversies are no excuse: Citizenship education in Spain”, written by Maria Rosa Buxarrais and Eric Ortega, has recently been published in the journal Citizenship Teaching & Learning.

Here we discuss the current situation of citizenship education in Spain, briefly reviewing its legal and political context, and taking into account a questionnaire administered to an intentional sample of key informants. We argue that even though the compulsory subject ‘education for citizenship and human rights’ was ruled out from our classrooms, due to the numerous controversies that it raised, there still remain multiple individual and institutional initiatives that aim to form responsible, active and critical citizens. In general terms, however, it is clear there has been a backward step in this respect, especially because as an essential ingredient of democracy, controversial issues should be seen as opportunities or stimuli for learning, not as topics to be avoided or censored. Finally we recommend, among other things, to reinstate citizenship education as a compulsory subject (not as an alternative to religious education); to amend the current scientism, and other flaws, of our current legislation; to improve teachers’ preparation for citizenship and values education, especially for a constructive handling of controversial issues (this requires clarification of the meaning of ‘curricular free speech’ among us); and to foster systematic research and dissemination efforts to optimize the civic qualities of our school cultures.

The article is available to download in the Article Section.

AME Conference 2019

Last November, Dr. Buxarrais participated in the 45th Annual Conference of the Association for Moral Education, which took place in Seattle (USA) with the theme “Morality and Ethics in the Digital World”.

The title of her paper was Measuring Ethical Sensitivity of students at the University of Barcelona, coauthored with Dr. Josep M. Ustrell, from the School of Dentistry of the University of Barcelona. This is the abstract:

Becarios y Dra BuxarraisThe study examines the Ethical Sensitivity of university students chosen from two Degrees: Education and Dentistry. We have used the Ethical Sensitive Scale Questionnaire (ESSQ) (Tirri & Nakelaine, 2011). The Scale was presented to a sample of 187 students of Education and 58 of Dentistry, in the first year and last year of the degree. Before, we have adapted the scale questionnaire in the context. A quantitative cross-sectional design was utilized. Data were collected twice, in the first and the fourth year.

Eric Ortega and Laura Fontan (see photo), interns from the Research Group of Moral Education (GREM), which is coordinated by Dr. Buxarrais, were also presenting the work they are doing for their PhD research.

In this conference, Dr. Buxarrais was officially appointed as Chair of the Good Work Award Committee of the Association for Moral Education, where she has been serving as an elected board member since 2015.

New chapter in “Education for Democratic Intercultural Citizenship”

Portada libroAt the beginning of this month of July, the book “Education for Democratic Intercultural Citizenship” has been published. It is edited by Dr. Wiel Veugelers, professor at the University of Humanistic Studies, Utrecht (Países Bajos) and also director of the project Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership EDIC (Education for Democratic Intercultural Citizenship), of which this book is a result and in which seven European universities have participated: University of Humanistic Studies, Utrecht (Netherlands), University of Barcelona (Spain), Tallinn University (Estonia), Bath Spa University (United Kingdom), University of Helsinki (Finland), Charles University Prague (Czech Republic) & Aristotle University Thessaloniki (Greece).

Dr. Buxarrais has contributed with the third chapter, entitled Ethical Competences for Democratic Citizenship at School, University and in Family, written with Dr. Elena Noguera and Dr. Fracisco Esteban, also from the University of Barcelona.

The book can be freely downoaded in pdf format from the website of Brill Sense Publishers.

Aristotle University (2019 – 06 – 03-04)

On the 3th and 4th of June, Dr Buxarrais was in Greece as part of the Erasmus+ Project KA2 Strategic Partnership EDIC (Education for Democratic Intercultural Citizenship) in her role as “critical friend”. She taught there a seminar on “Civic and Moral Education at Schools: Conditions and Strategies” to students of the MA in Multicultural and Intercultural Education at the School of Philosophy and Education. On the 4th, she participated in the “Ottoman walk” in the city of Thessaloniki (a walk around the city visiting the monuments from the times of the Ottomans), along with students and the coordinator of the Master’s course at the Aristotle University, Dr. Anastasia Kesidou.

Grecia 3-4 Jun 19