This month the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry (eISSN: 1989-5488) has published the article intitled “Ethical relationship in the dentist-patient interaction”, authored by Josep Maria Ustrell Torrent, Maria Rosa Buxarrais Estrada and Pere Riutord Sbert.
Background: In recent times the deontology of the dental profession has acquired special relevance as a result of problems that dentists have had to face to resolve ethical conflicts.
Material and Methods: Information on deontology in the dental profession has been compiled in publications of health sciences in general and specific codes for dentistry, while expressing opinions about the experience of the authors themselves who, from a humanistic and health overview are concentrated in the dental area.
Results: This article presents our point of view of how the dentist-patient relationship should be in the face of current demands from patients and society, with a focus on the crucial role of ethical issues not only in undergraduate studies but also in the consideration of ethical questions in the specialization and in the usual practice. The dental profession has a special trust in the community, and the best dentist-patient relationship should be based on that trust, honesty, providing high-quality and appropriate treatment, and keeping the patient safe and healthy.
Conclusions: The patient has the right to be fully and adequately informed, as well as to participate in decisions about treatment. The dentist has a duty to put the patient first and treat her with her wishes in mind as long as these expectations are within the limits of accepted treatment. The dentist must provide dental care without discrimination or prejudice.
The article can be freely downloaded in this month’s issue of the journal. Direct link to the pdf here.