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Examination panel at the National Autonomous University of Mexico

On June 4, Dr. Buxarrais participated by videoconference (see photo) in the committee for the thesis in the Psychology degree of Héctor Raymundo Maldonado, entitled “Evaluation of ethical competencies in students of Biological and Health Sciences”, which took place at the Faculty of Psychology of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. The other members of the committee were Dr. Rubén Andrés Miranda, Lic. Alan Alexis Mercado and Lic. Míriam de la Torre (all from the National Autonomous University of Mexico).

TribunalFrom left to right, back to front: Dr. Rubén Andrés Miranda (UNAM), the student Héctor Raymundo Maldonado, Lic. Alan Alexis Mercado (UNAM), Lic. Míriam de la Torre (UNAM) and (on the computer screen) Dr. Maria Rosa Buxarrais (UB)

Research for Peace Award

The Solidarity Foundation of the University of Barcelona calls for a prize on research for peace to secondary education students every year. The aim of this award is to promote education for peace in all branches of secondary education and to reinforce a culture of peace within research.

On the 22th of this month, Dr. Buxarrais, Director of the Institute for Professional Development (IDP), together with the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Barcelona, Dr. Guàrdia, and the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Equality, Dra. Puig, presided over the 19th Research for Peace Award.

This year the awarded work was “Ligeros de equipaje. La immigració andalusa a la Barcelona dels anys 60. El cas concret de la Barceloneta“, by student Lola Valiente Gámez, supported by teacher Carles Gil Jordán, from Verdaguer Secondary School, in Barcelona.

The following works received merit diplomas:

• «Fort Pienc: El chinatown de Barcelona. Particularitats i evolució de la comunitat xinesa a la nostra ciutat», by student Jiayi Xu with support from teacher Helena Arnedo, from Verdager Secondary School, in Barcelona
• «Viure sense llar», by students Júlia Salvador Daban and Carlota Enseñat Morellón with support from teacher Mauro Cavaller Rodón, from Pau Claris Secondary School, in Barcelona.
• «La cultura popular, del paper al carrer», by student Joan Valcárcel García with support from teacher Sulaica Guallart Molina, from Sagrat Cor de Jesús Secondary School, in Tarrassa.
• «Situació econòmica de les persones amb dependència. El cas d’Erika», by student Haydée Juan Barrera with support from teacher Natàlia Martínez Nadela, from Cristòfol Despuig Secondary School, in Tortosa.
• «Anys solitaris: La importància de l’acompanyament durant la vellesa», by student Carla Agüera Ortiz with suppoprt from teacher Montserrat Lari Viaplana, from Pia Balmes School, in Barcelona.

Maria Rosa BuxxaraisDr. Buxarrais at the event

Foto de grupoAcademic authorities and awardees

Examination panel at the University of Barcelona

On the 9th of May, Dr. Maria Rosa Buxarrais took part in the examination panel for the position of associate professor of Cristina Galván Fernández at the University of Barcelona. The other members of the panel were Dr. Xavier Carrera (University of Lleida), Dr. Ruth Vilà (University of Barcelona), Dr. Núria Obiols (University of Barcelona) and Dr. José Luis Medina (University of Barcelona).
TribunalFrom left to right: Ruth Vilà (UB), José Luis Medina (UB), MRB (UB), Cristina Galván (the candidate), Núria Obiols (UB), Xavier Carrera (UDL – University of Lleida).

New article in Cogent Education

Cubierta revistaThe article “Work-family balance in times of COVID-19: survey-study”, authored by Maria Rosa Buxarrais (UB), Juan Llanes Ordóñez (UB) and Angelina Sánchez-Martí (UAB) has been recently published in the journal Cogent Education.


The COVID-19 pandemic has led transformative changes worldwide, significantly affecting work-family balance. This cross-sectional survey study conducted during the early stages of the global pandemic (April-to-May 2020) presents findings from a snowball convenience sample of 383 employed adults with children in Spain. It delves into the evolving dynamics of work-family conciliation during confinement. The study findings unveil two distinct family profiles: those grappling with substantial work-family challenges (63.9%) and those experiencing minimal disruptions (36.3%). Noteworthy are the significant gender-related differences, family size, and the perception of personal freedom as pivotal factors shaping these profiles. The current study underscores the urgency of democratizing family life and elevating work-family conciliation as a core element of values education in a post-pandemic world“.

The article is available, free of charge, in the Articles Section.

Examination panel at the University of Seville

On the 15th of March, Dr. Maria Rosa Buxarrais was part of the evaluation panel for the position of tenured lecturer of Dr. Tania Mateos Blanco, which took place at the University of Seville. The other members of the panel were Dr. Encarni Sánchez (University of Seville), Dr. Julio Vera (University of Malaga), Dr. Eduardo Vila (University of Malaga) and Dr. Clara Romero (University of Seville).

Tribunal SevillaFrom left to right: Encarni Sánchez (US), Julio Vera (UMA), Tania Mateos Blanco (US), Maria Rosa Buxarrais (UB), Eduardo Vila (UMA) and Clara Romero (US)