Author Archives: admin

New publication in The New Educational Review

EduReview2013The article What do University Teachers Think about the Teaching in Ethics and Citizenship in the European Higher Education Area?, written by Francisco Esteban, Maria Rosa Buxarrais and Teodor Mellen, has been recently published in the journal The New Educational Review (ISSN 1732-6729).

Ethics and citizenship education has become the focus of considerable debate since the construction of the European Higher Education Area. That this should be so is interesting, as it is a type of education that forms part of the educational mission of the university, as its history plainly demonstrates. Ethics and citizenship education cannot be analyzed solely in terms of its pedagogical requirements, the competences that it seeks to develop, or the type of students and professionals that the world needs today. Its success also requires our exploring what university teachers understand by this type of education, the situation it currently finds itself in, and how students perceive such an education. This paper presents a case study conducted among university teachers of education, philosophy and the humanities at several European institutions.

The complete issue of the journal can be freely downloaded (360 pages) here or just the article (10 p.) here .

Round Table on Spanish TV2

Round table on TV2 (National Spanish TV), in the program “Para todos La 2 – ONG – Solidaridad en tiempo de crisis” (NGO – Solidarity in times of crisis), with Juana Martín, from Cáritas Foundation and Francesc Mateu, member of NGO for Development, on the 26th of January, 2012. Duration: 23’14.

Talk on Education and Human Rights

Talk on Education and human rights at the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the UN, hosted by the Educational Board of Madrid. On the 10th of December, 2008. Duration: 17’40.