Author Archives: admin

41st Association for Moral Education Conference

From the 5th to the 7th of last November, the 41st edition of the annual meeting of the Association for Moral Education (AME) took place in Santos, Brazil. In this edition, Maria Rosa Buxarrais was voted by AME’s members to be part of AME’s Executive Board for the next three years (2015 – 2018), together with Matthew Hayden, Vishalache Balakrishnan and Larry Nucci.

In this meeting, Dr. Buxarrais presented the paper “Moral Education and Citizenship. The Construction Model of Moral Personality” (available in the conference website, as the rest of the papers presented there). She also coordinated the “Symposium on Moral Education and Citizenship”. The picture shows her with the other participants in the symposium.

(Click on the picture to display a larger image)

Foto AME

Seminar at the UNESP (Brazil)

In the picture, Maria Rosa Buxarrais is with a group of students and lecturers of the PhD in Education at the Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” (UNESP), in Marília campus. Invited by the institution, Dr. Buxarrais gave a seminar on “Competencies and ethical learning in Higher Education” that took place on the 3rd of November.

(Click on the picture to diplay larger image)

Foto de grupo

New publication in Comunicar journal

Portada Revista ComunicarThe article “ICT Use and Parental Mediation Perceived by Chilean Children” has been recently published in the journal Comunicar (E-ISSN: 1988-3293 / ISSN: 1134-3478) written by Llarela Berríos Valenzuela, Maria Rosa Buxarrais Estrada and María Soledad Garcés.


The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has extended to all contexts of our lives in the last few years, modifying our communication, learning, entertainment and socialization habits. The aim of the present research is to investigate about primary-age children’s habits with these tools, as well as these children’s perception of parental mediation in this area. In this study we used an ex post facto descriptive methodology by survey. A questionnaire was applied for data recollection to 422 children of private schools in Santiago de Chile aged between 9 and 12 years old. The results point to an early access to electronic devices and the transversal and homogeneous use during childhood. There is no doubt that ICTs play an active role in daily life for most of these children. No significant differences in age or sex were detected in our study, but we encountered risky behaviours in how children use ICTs and in their perception of parental mediation. The complexity becomes more evident the more time they have with electronic devices connected to the Internet without adult supervision. This finding raises the need for the application of intervention programs on parental mediation of children’s use of ICTs in order to promote a safe, responsible and ethical use of these tools.

The full article can be downloaded from the journal’s website, in pdf, eput or html format.

Octaedro Publishers launches “Retos educativos para el siglo XXI. Autonomía, responsabilidad, neurociencia y aprendizaje”

Book CoverOctaedro Publishers have just published the book “Retos educativos para el siglo XXI. Autonomía, responsabilidad, neurociencia y aprendizaje” (184 p., ISBN: 9788499216553), edited by Maria Rosa Buxarrais and Miquel Martínez.

This work deals with two key values in education: autonomy and responsibility. The book consists of a group of studies about the relationshibs between both concepts from different points of view: philosophy, family, school, spaces generated by ICTs and contributions of neuroscience on learning and education. This book is addressed to both, academics and teachers and also to parents. Educators and families must establish alliances in order to promote optimal levels of autonomy and responsibility in younger generations. Both editors are professors at the Faculty of Education of the University of Barcelona, members of the Research Group in Moral Education (GREM in Catalan) and they coordinated the International Conference on Theory of Education, where the papers in this book were presented.

Table of contents:

Presentación (Maria Rosa Buxarrais, Miquel Martínez).
1. Autonomía relacional (Nel Noddings).
2. Aprendizaje y ciudadanía en las pedagogías del siglo XXI: entre la autonomía y la responsabilidad (Marta Burguet , Xavier Laudo).
3. Autonomía, responsabilidad y familias: conexiones y complejidades (Ruth Thomas).
4. Familia: algunas claves para fomentar la responsabilidad y la autonomía (Ana Maria Novella, Montserrat Payá).
5. ¿Qué queda de la responsabilidad y la autonomía en la escuela contemporánea? (Gabriela Diker).
6. ¿Qué escuela, qué autonomía y qué responsabilidad? (Laura Rubio, Francisco Esteban).
7. Autonomía y responsabilidad en el contexto de la sociedad de la información y las tecnologías (Enric Prats, Mariona Graell).
8. Plasticidad cerebral y experiencia: fundamentos neurobiológicos de la educación (Margalida Coll Andreu).
9. Neurociencia, aprendizaje y educación (Joaquín García Carrasco).
10. Neurociencia y educación: trazos para un tejido común hacia la autonomía y la responsabilidad (Mónica Gijón, Amèlia Tey).

The book can be purchased in clicking on the following botton: Logo Amazon

Press: Book launch of “La conciliación familiar, laboral, social y personal: una cuestión ética”

2015-01-27 PresentacionLibro

From left to right, M. Burguet, M.R. Buxarrais and A. Mercadé

Last Tuesday, 27th of January, the book lauch of “La conciliación familiar, laboral, social y personal: una cuestión ética” was held at Documenta bookshop (144, Carrer Pau Claris), in Barcelona. The event was presented by Anna Mercadé, Director of the Observatory of Women, Enterprise and Economy of the Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona. Also, both editors of the book, María Rosa Buxarrais y Marta Burguet, lecturers of the University of Barcelona, were there to talk about the book and the topics it covers.

All the information about the event, as well as an interview with the two editors and co-authors of the book about conciliation, can be read at this link.