Author Archives: admin

New issue of the journal Aula de Innovación Educativa entitled “La escuela del ser”

The last issue of the journal Aula de Innovación Educativa (ISSN: 2014-4725), July-August, entitled “La escuela del ser”, which has been coordinated by Dr Buxarrais. The table of contents can be found and the issue bought in this link.

In this issue, Maria Rosa Buxarrais and Marta Burguet are the authors of the article entitled “Pedagogia de la interioridad”, with the following abstract:

Describimos algunos de los rasgos característicos de la pedagogía de la interioridad. Es necesario educar en esta dimensión personal, a menudo descuidada de manera intencionada. Los proyectos pedagógicos de interioridad afloran en la era de la conciencia plena, del crecimiento personal, del ser; es decir, un descubrimiento consciente, como principal responsable de la apertura a sensibilidades sociales y colectivas que contribuye a la construcción de la identidad de la persona.

(Click on the picture to enlarge it)portada de la revista

Presentation of the app for education in values by Telèfon de l’Esperança of Barcelona

Appearance of Maria Rosa Buxarrais in the program “Vespre a La 2” in National Spanish TV (RTVE), on the 20th of June, as the President of the Board of the Telèfon de l’Esperança of Barcelona, explaining the objective of this institution and how it works. In the video below we can see (starting at 3:25 min) the presentation of a mobile app called esperanç (in Catalán) created to promote values education. This app is explained by the Director of the institution, Neus Calleja.

The app “esperanç” is especially designed for teenagers and young people. It is a way to promote values and communication tools for listening and support that should be useful for their interpersonal relationships. The aim of this app is to equip young people with communication resources so they can help support to people in their social circles that might be suffering.

More information about this app in

Original video: (a partir de minuto 21:22)

Presentation in the 8th International Conference on Psychology and Education

Maria Rosa Buxarrais and Ignasi de Borafull (Universidad Internacional de Cataluña) have presented in the 8th International Conference on Psychology and Education (CIPE2016), held in Alicante (Spain) from the 15th to the 17th of June, the paper entitled “Parentalidad, funciones ejecutivas y desarrollo moral”. The abstract is presented next.

Neuroscience is investigating, among other fields, how the brain of preschool children develops. Our research analyzes the relationship between parenting and the development of the executive functions located in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) which is the basis for their future moral development. Advances in neurotechnology, such as magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), provide information on the deployment of the brain, its functions, and how early experiences, whether positive or adverse, may affect its development. Child abuse affects the brain under construction. Until recently, these effects were only described psychologically and behaviorally. Today research also includes the biological tests of neuroscience. In child abuse attention is drawn to the physical and sexual abuse, however, we are focusing on a psychological and negligent abuse -deprivation of affection, neglect of some care, etc.- aspect that is less considered due to its invisibility. Neglectful parenting becomes a harmful toxic stress for the brain development of the child throughout his life. We are at a strategic moment and research has shown that preventive action will be more efficient the earlier it starts the better. One level of prevention requires that the first caregivers -parents and nursery school- take proper action. Another level of prevention involves identifying these cases at the nursery school and in pediatric care. In the medium term, our goal is to study the factors of parental and preschool care that in this period determine the future health of children, their cognitive and moral development. To narrow the field of study we are going to measure the specific executive functions responsible for impulse control. Our goal is to assess -in a sample (N=200) of boys and girls from 4 to 6 years old- the correlation between psychological and negligent abuse and the executive functions responsible for the cognitive moral development.

(Click on the picture to see it larger)


Workshop on values education for mothers in the school Elisenda de Montcada, in the suburb “Ciudad Meridiana”

During the last month of May, Dr Buxarrais has taught a workshop on values education to the Association of Mothers and Fathers of students (AMPA in Spanish) in the school Elisenda de Montcada. This workshop was suggested by Dr Buxarrais to the centre in relation to the recent implementation in the school of an emotional education program for the students. The school is located in the suburb “Ciudad Meridiana”, which was born to accommodate immigrant population coming from very diverse places of the world. Everybody in the education community is making enormous efforts to achieve a good integration for students at all levels, both linguistically and culturally.

The aim of this workshop, divided in three sessions, was to provide an opportunity for parents to share topics and problems in their families, in the interaction with their children and in relation to the expression of values and feelings.

(Click on the picture to enlarge it)

Dra Buxarrais con madres de la escuela

“Education and Transcendence” Workshop

Last 28th of April, Dr. Buxarrais participated in the Education and Transparency Workshop, organised by the Research Group in Pedagogical and Social Thought (GREPPS) of the Faculty of Education at the University of Barcelona and by the Edith Stein Centre.

This workshop seeks, from a plural and universal view, to discuss the relationship between education and religions transcendence, taking into account the role of inwardness, which becomes again the key to guarantee a full humanization. More information in this brochure (pdf in Catalan, 1,2 MB)

(Click on the picture to enlarge it)

Jornada Educación y Transcendencia