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Congreso AME 2018 en imágenes

Participantes en AME 2018
Opening ceremony of the conference at the Assembly Hall of the University of Barcelona, with over 400 participants from 48 different countries (08-11-2018).


Mesa inaugural AME 2018
Opening ceremony at AME 2018. From left to right: Dr Ernest Pons, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Communication and Management at the University of Barcelona; Dr Buxarrais, co-chair of AME 2018 and Mr Jaume Forés i Llasat, Responsable of the Public Spirit and Values Program at the Government of Catalonia.


Acto de entrega de premios
Award Ceremony. From left to right, from to back: Dr Ulisses Araújo, member of the Executive Committee of the Association for Moral Education; Dr Buxarrais, co-chair of this conference; Dr Josep Puig and Dr Miquel Martínez (09 – 11 – 2018).


Best Poster Award
“Best Poster Award”. From left to right: Dr Kaye Cook, President of the Association for Moral Education; Dr Buxarrais, co-chair of the conference and Annalise Hoopes, the winner of this award.


Good Work Award
“Good Work Award” to Research Group in Moral Education (GREM). In the picture, the Executive Board of the group. From left to right: Dr Maria Rosa Buxarrais (PI), Dr Josep Puig, Dr Xus Martín, Dr Miquel Martínez, Dr Jaume Trilla and Dr Montserrat Payà.


Lisa Kurmerker Award
“Lisa Kurmerker Award”. From left to right: Dr Fritz Oser; Dr Maria Rosa Buxarrais; the award winner, Dr Sharon Lamb; Dr Ann Higgins d’Alessandro and Dr Kaye Cook.


Best Dissertation Award
“Best Dissertation Award”. From left to right: Dr Kaye Cook; Dr Hyemin Han and Dr Maria Rosa Buxarrais.

Visit to CETYS University (Mexico)

Maria Rosa BuxarraisAs part of the program “Distiguished Professorship PIMSA, which aims at promoting research lines in certain fields and at boosting competitiveness of the institution, CETYS University received Dr. Maria Rosa Buxarrais from the 13th to the 19th of Octuber.

During that week, Dr Buxarrais has given, in all three campuses (Mexicali, Ensenada y Tijuana), a conference conferencia (“management of emtions and feelings in values education: the care approach”) addressed at schools, civil organizations and general audience; another talk “Ethics and solidarity”) addressed at final year students and (“Moral Education from a Female Perspective”) PhD students; and a seminar (“The Pedagogy of Being, the challenge of educating in Humanities”) addressed at lectures of the university in all three campuses.

She was also interviewed by different media. Some examples can be read (in Spanish)  here and here.


Profesorado de CETYS Universidad, Campus MexicaliLecturers from CETYS University, Mexicali Campus

Profesorado de CETYS University, Campus EnsenadaLecturers from CETYS University, Ensenada Campus

Profesorado de CETYS Universidad, Campus TijuanaLecturers from CETYS University, Tijuana Campus

Seminario con doctorandos de CETYS UniversidadSeminar with PhD Students from CETYS University

Keynote at EUCEET 2018

Dr. Buxarrais was invited as a keynote speaker at the 4th International Conference on Civil Engineering Education:Challenges for the Third Millennium, organised by the Escola de Camins (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering) of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC BarcelonaTech), and EUCEET (European Civil Engineering Education and Training) Association from the 5th to the 8th of September.

Conferencia inaugural

The conference was entitled “Ethical competencies in Higher Education” and the abstract can be read next:

Higher Education encompasses three interconnected dimensions:

  • A dimension related with the construction and transmission of the scientific, technical, cultural and humanistic knowledge.
  • A political and social dimension linked to the implication in the society and in the democratic principles development.
  • An ethical dimension bound together with and activity compromised with the justice, the people’s and communities’ dignity and human rights.

Since Higher Education must train competent professionals who are to analyse their own practises, we will consider the third dimension. Furthermore, they must be able to evaluate their actions, their perceptions, their beliefs and their thoughts, not only as professionals in their field of knowledge but as compromised citizens as well. Thus, the training of the ethical competence is necessary to develop ability of reflection, analysing and the taking of a post. Here we are going to ask ourselves questions related to the teacher practises and the ethical learning in the higher education.

Participation in the 9th International Conference on Psychology and Education (CIPE18)

Last month of June (21st to 23rd), Dr. Buxarrais intervened in the CIPE18 in Logroño presenting the paper “Families approach towards their children homework: an exploratory study“, authored jointly with Francisco Esteban (UB), Teodor Mellen (ESADE) & Guillem Pérez (UB).


“Una de las tareas familiares que mayor atención reclama, y que mayor protagonismo adquiere en las diferentes dinámicas familiares, es la que se refiere a la ayuda de padres a los hijos en sus tareas escolares: los deberes. Dicha ayuda puede adoptar diferentes formas y/o estructuras, adquirir diversos sentidos y, por lo tanto, presentar distintas incidencias en la educación familiar. El artículo que se presenta trata de dichas formas, sentidos y su incidencia educativa en el ámbito familiar, concretamente, sobre la repartición, el compartir y la conciliación de dicha tarea. Con el objetivo de desvelar qué formas predominan en la actuación por parte de las familias en torno a las tareas escolares de sus hijos e hijas, se han entrevistado a 471 personas. Asimismo, sacamos a la luz algunos de los resultados obtenidos de este estudio nacional sobre la conciliación familiar y concluimos con las ideas extraídas de lo expuesto, dejando en evidencia la necesidad de proponer intervenciones motoras de un cambio”.