The article “La educación en valores en revistas académicas hispanoamericanas (2001-2020)”, written by Maria Rosa Buxarrais and Levy Farías Navarro, has been recently published in Márgenes, Revista de Educación de la Universidad de Málaga.
“The exponential increase of publications requires new approaches for reviewing academic literatures. With reflexive criteria and digital tools this study reviewed 200 articles about values education, published in Spanish, online and with open access in the last 20 years, obtained through the “Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico”, REDIB©. Method: The main analysis was performed with the “topic modelling LDA” application, available in the open code software Orange© (3.32). Results: Close reading showed a substantial increase of empiric studies from the first to the second decade, but distant reading, by way of topic modelling, did not show other clear chronological trends. However, once the corpora were reorganized according to geographical criteria (Spain, Cuba and Other Spanish-speaking countries), more easily interpretable differences were noted. As complementary procedure, the five resultant corpora were automatically scored according to the presence of some disciplinary denominations, and a few selected authors, mainly from the evolutive-cognitive tradition of moral psychology. Cuban texts, on average, differed from the rest due to their political rather than academic perspectives, and their more frequent references to medical sciences. Discussion: Overall, the study shows several reasons for concern, about the unequal participation in values education studies across the region, insufficient levels of theoretical substantiation, and scarce international dialogue. Finally, some reflections are made about the distant reading procedures employed, and also about the need of counteracting the current marginalisation of values education and other intrinsically humanistic related fields “.
The article is available, free of charge, in the Articles Section.