Participation in the 2nd International Conference of the SCP – IEP

Dr. Maria Rosa Buxarrais attended on the 30th of November in Urgell (Lleida) the 2nd International Conference of the Catalan Pedagogical Society (SCP) – Institute of Catalan Studies (IEC), entitled “Trends for Success, Emerging Realities and New Expectations in Education”

Dr. Buxarrais participated in a round table entitled “Relational culture at school for educational excellency”, moderated by Elena Ferreiro, together with Arnoldo Cisternas (psychologist and director of the Relational Institute of Chile) and Dr Miriam Subirana (founder of IDEIA Institute – Dialogues and Appreciative Inquiry, in Barcelona).

Buxarrais hablando

Mesa redondaFrom left to right: A. Cisternas, M. R. Buxarrais, E. Ferreiro and M. Subirana

The round table can be watched in the following video (1h 18′, mostly in Catalan)

Examination panel at the University of the Basque Country

On the 11th of October, Dr. Maria Rosa Buxarrais was part of the examination panel for Alba Madinabeitia Ezkurra’s assistant lecturer position, which took place at the University of the Basque Country. The other members of the panel were Dr. Karmele Artetxe (University of the Basque Country), Dr. Teresa Rabazas (Complutense University of Madrid), Dr. Christian Roith (University of Almería) and Dr. Luis María Naya (University of the Basque Country).


From left to right: Karmele Artetxe (UPV/EHU), Teresa Rabazas (UCM), Alba Medinabeitia (UPV/EHU), Maria Rosa Buxarrais (UB) and Luis María Naya (UPV/EHU).

New article in Márgenes, Revista de Educación de la Universidad de Málaga

Logo revista UMA

The article “La educación en valores en revistas académicas hispanoamericanas (2001-2020)”, written by Maria Rosa Buxarrais and Levy Farías Navarro, has been recently published in Márgenes, Revista de Educación de la Universidad de Málaga.

The exponential increase of publications requires new approaches for reviewing academic literatures. With reflexive criteria and digital tools this study reviewed 200 articles about values education, published in Spanish, online and with open access in the last 20 years, obtained through the “Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico”, REDIB©. Method: The main analysis was performed with the “topic modelling LDA” application, available in the open code software Orange© (3.32). Results: Close reading showed a substantial increase of empiric studies from the first to the second decade, but distant reading, by way of topic modelling, did not show other clear chronological trends. However, once the corpora were reorganized according to geographical criteria (Spain, Cuba and Other Spanish-speaking countries), more easily interpretable differences were noted. As complementary procedure, the five resultant corpora were automatically scored according to the presence of some disciplinary denominations, and a few selected authors, mainly from the evolutive-cognitive tradition of moral psychology. Cuban texts, on average, differed from the rest due to their political rather than academic perspectives, and their more frequent references to medical sciences. Discussion: Overall, the study shows several reasons for concern, about the unequal participation in values education studies across the region, insufficient levels of theoretical substantiation, and scarce international dialogue. Finally, some reflections are made about the distant reading procedures employed, and also about the need of counteracting the current marginalisation of values education and other intrinsically humanistic related fields “.

The article is available, free of charge, in the Articles Section.

New Article in Revista de Investigación Educativa (also in English)

CoverThe article “Hybrid Education in Catalan Secondary Schools: Digital Competence as a Key Factor”, written by Núria Castells Gómez, Juan Llanes Ordóñez, Marc Fuertes-Alpiste, Marta Gràcia Garcia, Carles Lindín and Maria Rosa Buxarrais, has been recently published in Revista de Investigación Educativa.

“The COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on compulsory formal education and various responses were given to the lack of face-to-face attendance: from the most improvised (emergency remote teaching model) to more informed practices of digital education, such as the hybrid educational model. This non-experimental, descriptive-inferential study aims to investigate whether the self-perceived digital teaching skills (SDTS) by teachers (n=346) and the self- perceived digital skills (SDS) by students (n=1322) and families (n=531) from 15 secondary education schools in Catalonia are related to variables of virtual/online education in the model of hybrid education: teaching and learning activities; assessment proposals; aid provided and received to promote learning. A specific online questionnaire was prepared for each group of participants. The results indicate that a high level of SDTC by teachers is related to more inno- vative methodological and assessment proposals, and, in the case of students, their SDS are related with a better predisposition to learn online, while in families we found no relationship between the SDS and the help received and provided to their children. The conclusions point to the need to promote a higher level of digital teaching skills in teachers to guarantee more suitable hybrid education practices and to foster digital competences in students”.

The article is available, free of charge, in the Articles Section.

Examination panel at UIC Barcelona

On the 24 of July, Dr. Maria Rosa Buxarrais presided over the examination panel of the PhD thesis defended by Francisco Javier Malagón Terrón, entitled “La formación continua del profesorado universitario en España”, directed by Dr. Mariona Graell. The event took place at the International University of Catalunya in Sant Cugat del Vallés. The other two members of the examination panel were Dr. Mónica Herrero (University of Oviedo) and Dr. María Ángeles Espinosa (Autonomous University of Madrid).

TribunalFrom left to right, Dr. Mariona Grael (UIC), Dr. Mª Ángeles Espinosa (UAM), Dr. Mª Rosa Buxarrais (UB), now also Dr. Javier Malagón and Dr. Mónica Herrero (Univ. of Oviedo)