Nou article a Cogent Education

Cubierta revistaS’ha publicat recentment l’article “Work-family balance in times of COVID-19: survey-study”, escrit per Maria Rosa Buxarrais (UB), Juan Llanes Ordóñez (UB) i Angelina Sánchez-Martí (UAB), a la revista Cogent Education.


The COVID-19 pandemic has led transformative changes worldwide, significantly affecting work-family balance. This cross-sectional survey study conducted during the early stages of the global pandemic (April-to-May 2020) presents findings from a snowball convenience sample of 383 employed adults with children in Spain. It delves into the evolving dynamics of work-family conciliation during confinement. The study findings unveil two distinct family profiles: those grappling with substantial work-family challenges (63.9%) and those experiencing minimal disruptions (36.3%). Noteworthy are the significant gender-related differences, family size, and the perception of personal freedom as pivotal factors shaping these profiles. The current study underscores the urgency of democratizing family life and elevating work-family conciliation as a core element of values education in a post-pandemic world“.

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